Sparx Uml
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Remember, you can always create your own profiles to describe modeling scenarios peculiar to your development environment. Over time we will expand the range of Profiles, the content of each profile and the degree of customization possible in each profile. Helping clients with the model-based approach using standards for a number of contexts including: - Software analysis, design and architecture with UML - Systems Engineering and MBSE with SysML - Enterprise Architecture, IT landscape with ArchiMateThis online Sparx Enterprise Architect training course covers the important aspects of UML, its application & structure as well as the features of the tool.To get you started, some profiles are supplied below for downloading and importing into EA. You can also drag and drop attributes and operations onto existing classes and have them immediately added with the specified stereotype, values etc.Modelling consultant and expert on Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect modelling tool and solution. EA will attach the stereotype, tagged values and default values, notes and even metafile if one is specified, to the new element. Once imported, you may drag and drop Profile elements onto the current diagram.

Locate the XML Profile file to import using the Browse button. The Import UML Profile dialog will open. Right click on the UML Profiles tree node in the Resources View and select Import Profile from the context menu - as in the to the right. If the Profile includes references to any Metafiles, they should be in the same directory as the XML profile.To import a profile, follow the steps below:

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